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JPMorgan Chase Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If I am an employee of a previous bank acquisition (Bank of NY, Washington Mutual, etc), are there special or unique products for us?

Answer: All previous acquisitions should order from the JPMC list of products.

  1. The location that I am in has nameplates and holders that are different than what is on the web site. What should I order?

Answer: JPMC has established standards for nameplates and holders and all of them are shown on the web site. There are no exceptions.

  1. Can I order a name tag with just my first name?

Answer: No, all retail name tags must have both the first name and last name of the employee.

  1. I would like to order a signature stamp and don’t see them in the catalog, can I order one?

Answer: No, for security reasons, they can not be ordered.

  1. If I don’t see what I am looking for in the Schwaab catalog, who do I contact?

Answer: Please send an e-mail to, or call 800-935-9877, and be sure to identify yourself as calling from Chase.